Category: Spell
Type: Damage, Control
Rarity: Legendary
MP: 2
Applies 1 stackable Death's Mark to a random opposing duellist (Time-Turner future self excluded).
- Adds a Death card to the top of your draw pile if one isn't already present. Play the Death card and pay a price to perform an AoE attack at the opponent with the highest number of Death's Mark stacks in the arena.
- Death is a 4-cost Derivative Card. The price paid to Death is a percentage of your current Health.
- Death's Mark can stack up to 4 times. New marks will prioritize targets that haven't reached the maximum stack.
- If multiple targets have the same highest stack count, Death will randomly select one to apply damage.
- When damaging targets with 4 Death's Marks, Death triggers a brief freeze effect. During this freeze, all attacks, effects, and participants are suspended, except for the Death card, which remains active.
- If a target is hit by Death's attack, its Death's Mark stack resets. If a player target with Death's Marks is defeated by other units, its mark stack remains when it is rescued.
Range: 30
Target: Ground And Air
Price Coefficient: 6%
Level | Death'S Mark1 | Death'S Mark2 | Death'S Mark3 | Death'S Mark4 |
9 | 137 | 274 | 426 | 682 |
10 | 147 | 293 | 456 | 730 |
11 | 157 | 314 | 488 | 781 |
12 | 168 | 336 | 522 | 836 |
13 | 180 | 360 | 559 | 895 |
14 | 193 | 385 | 598 | 958 |
15 | 207 | 412 | 640 | 1025 |
16 | 221 | 441 | 685 | 1097 |
17 | 236 | 472 | 733 | 1174 |
18 | 253 | 505 | 784 | 1256 |
19 | 271 | 540 | 839 | 1344 |
20 | 290 | 578 | 898 | 1438 |
21 | 310 | 618 | 961 | 1539 |